including posting to my blog. This has been a busy few weeks with finishing up the semester, working on a grant proposal, trying to get ready for Christmas, etc. Last week we were also out in schools surveying students all 5 days! In addition, I was really sick with a chest cold last week; unfortunately I'm still experiencing a lingering cough that annoys the heck out of me. I'm so behind on so many things.
I'm looking forward to some down time, but unfortunately will have to work on the grant proposal next week. It is due soon - WWWAAAYYYY TOOOOO SOOOON in fact! I do plan to relax some though.
On a good note, however, my XO project team surveyed over 800 4th and 5th graders this semester! We have another 8 schools lined up to survey the first couple of weeks in January. It has been a huge amount of work, but hopefully the data that we're collecting on these students BEFORE they receive their XOs and then afterwards will yield important information about the impacts of the XOs. I hope so anyway!
In case there are no blog postings before the holidays (I hope there will be though!), I hope you all have happy and safe holidays!
16 years ago