go on a trip and Callen ends up sleeping with us rather than in a separate bed, it is always hard to get her back to her normal sleeping patterns when we return home. This has, once again, been the case this week since she and I returned from the beach on Sunday. Every night she has had trouble going to bed. We put her in bed, she gets up several times, wants to come to our bed, etc. It has been at least an hour later than normal when she's finally gotten to sleep, only for her to wake up usually 2-3 hours later and come into our room.
Before we went out of town she'd really gotten better about sleeping through the night in her own bed. Now, we're up all during the night and end up pulling her back into our bed b/c we're too exhausted to do anything else. I know we need to just keep putting her back in her bed and/or let her cry it out again, but I keep hoping she'll get better and not keep waking up. Any other suggestions?
Shelia (very tired from not sleeping well any of the past 5 nights)
16 years ago
We feel your pain. We go through the same "detox" routine everytime we get home. We call it jack-in-the-box syndrome. First night is hell, second night is so-so, third night, no more problems.
Perhaps giving her a place to sleep that is her own in your room (a mattress on the floor, etc)--just for those couple of nights she gets back. Make a chart or something to let her know that she has so many nights that she can come into your room to sleep if she needs to when you return home and then after that--she has to sleep in her bed....who knows?? At least she might get used to sleeping in her own space in your room and not WITH you....then the transition back to her bed might be a tad bit easier....Also--if you can stop letting her sleep with you when you are gone, there is less to fight with when you get back. Of course, I do understand that your situation is different being a working family--I can sleep in if I need to--so if all this sounds corny or impossible--I understand....I know it won't be easy! :-) I'm sorry you are going through this....
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