Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Downside to Blogging about Your Kids?

I saw a recent posting about the potential downside to blogging about your kids on The Juggle blog (http://blogs.wsj.com/juggle/2008/07/01/the-downsides-to-blogging-about-your-kid/). As some of you know, I started blogging when some other new moms I knew started blogging about their kids, families, etc. I've never really considered the downside to this. What do you think? Are there downsides to this activity? Will you be more cautious in what you post?


Mosshouse said...

I'm careful not to put any identifiable location information in our posts. I also don't ever put pictures up where my children are bathing/naked. I think about it sometimes but probably not as much as I should.

Katherine Moak said...
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Katherine Moak said...

My previous post was deleted. Still a novice at this...

Since we were recently made aware of an incident in our community involving a perverted young man who is now in jail, I decided to make our blog private. I do share details in our blog, and since AT's name and our last name are so rare... Anyway, I think that there are so many dangers out there over which we have no control, so at least this step may keep us from being random targets. Just my two cents that makes me feel a little more safe

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