Friday, March 5, 2010

10 years of Missing You

Wednesday marked 10 years that my mother has been dead. I can't believe it has been that long. What a remarkable woman she was! She took care of my father and grandmother for many years, when they were bedridden from strokes. She always managed to remain positive, even when she was diagnosed with cancer.

I so wish that she was here to see Callen grow into the phenomenal young woman that she is. There is so much that she could have taught me about having a headstrong daughter : ).

There are a 1000 things that I wish I had asked her before she died. I hope others who read this will ask those questions of their loved ones before they die. And, record them on video and audio so that your children will get a sense of who they are, more than they can just get from pictures.

Here's to my mother - a woman who gave me the world and will always inspire me!