Saturday, November 24, 2007

So Many Things . . .

There's so much information being put on the Internet! I'm constantly amazed at the vastness of the material. While not all of it that I encounter is useful to me or relevant in some way to my life, I often find things that I think are very valuable and that I'd like to pass along to others.

This afternoon I was browsing some of the blogs I have linked off my blog. I went to Eszter's blog and saw a link to anti-sexist and anti-consumerist books for kids. I clicked on it and found a great blog! I encourage you all to check it out -- particularly if you often wonder about the types of info/toys/etc. to which you give and/or expose your kids. I've added a link to the blog in my list of blog links and to the specific page where the books are detailed below.

Hope you have great explorations on the 'net . . .

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