It is rare that I get quiet time alone on a weekend morning. Callen normally wakes us up before we're ready to be awakened : ). I woke up at 5:30 this morning, however. Callen woke up having had a bad dream. After that I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally got up some before 7 and have had a chance to look at friends' blogs, catch-up a little on Facebook and Twitter, and just have a few minutes of quiet time.
On the 13th, I had some outpt surgery to remove an ovarian cyst (and turns out my ovary too). I stayed at home most of that week, recuperating and then working from home some. It was so quiet and peaceful. When I went out for the first time (for dinner that Thurs. night), it was almost like stimulation overload after having been in the house for those days. Maybe you can tell that I'm not one of those people who needs constant stimulation (yes, I tend to fall more towards the introvert end of the Myers Brigg); in fact I prefer peace and quiet. Hard to get when you have a very active 3.5 year old in the house!
I've been busy this week conducting interviews for a program coordinator position for my new NIA grant. They started on Monday morning. I woke up not feeling well Monday morning but came into work anyway. I made it through 3 interviews and then the waves of nausea started to hit me! I left work and tried to get home, only to have to pull off the hwy an puke! I was so sick! Monday and Tuesday were lost days due to either food poisoning or a stomach bug. So glad to be feeling better now!
During the interviews, I met some great people who each have unique and valued skills. I'm happy that I have decided on one candidate. I can't wait for the person to start in the position as I think the person will do a great job and really be an asset to the research project!
The upcoming week is another busy one. My NSF XO laptop project is in full survey mode. We're in 5 schools this week surveying. I'm so glad our flash drives finally arrived week before last though. The kids seem very excited to be getting them.
So, I'm enjoying the quiet time this morning before Bo and Callen awaken, and before another busy week begins....hmmm, wonder if I can find time for a pedicure today....probably not that much 'me' time today : ).
16 years ago