Sunday, August 24, 2008


Today while Bo was working, I took Callen to see her first movie theater movie. We saw WALL-E. She did really well during the movie. She was a little antsy during the previews and kept wanting to know if that was the movie. And, she had to go potty twice. I think the 2nd time was b/c she wanted to get up and walk around some. And, she enjoyed her popcorn and drink.

Of course when it was over, she wanted more popcorn and she didn't want to leave. She pitched a royal fit! It was not a pretty sight.

Oh well, we can't have everything now can we . . .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stricter Standards or Laxer Procedures?

I've been amazed the last few months over the ratings I've seen posted for various restaurants. One that we used to like to go to has had an 82 for several months! We first saw it listed in our local paper that publishes restaurant ratings once a week.

A few weeks later I was looking for something online and I came across the Jefferson County restaurant inspection site ( I noticed tonite that it only lists the most recent ones that have been inspected. Take a look and see if any of your favorites are on this list. fyi -- for anyone who like's Mc Donalds (which we don't really care for), one not far from us has a score in the 80s I saw tonite!

I stopped by Subway on my way home to pick up sandwiches and noticed that they had a rating of 87. Is it my imagination or does it seem like scores are lower than they used to be?

My question is: are the standards becoming stricter or are the restaurant owners, managers, and workers becoming more lax in their following of proper procedures? What do you think?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Youth Media Usage

If you study youth and how they use media, take a look at this website that one of my RAs found today ( I had not seen this previously. It is an amazing compliation -- though some of it is based more on marketing studies.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I feel it . . .

coming. What do I feel you may be wondering. I feel the frenzy of the beginning of the semester - classes beginning, projects that you just knew you'd be able to get out the door before 'summer ended/classes began', new things developing, and so on. . . It never fails to amaze me how quickly those sweet months, that seem beforehand like an infinite amount of time to accomplish things, between the end of spring semester and the beginning of fall semester pass.

I always have a long list of things I hope to accomplish during the summer. I know the list is always too long, but maybe I keep hoping I'll get faster with projects the older I get. Not sure this is ever going to happen, however.

Here's to savoring the last day before classes start. Oh, and completing my syllabus, meeting with students, editing a manuscript or two, revising an IRB amendment, and so on and so on and so on. . . I think you get the picture : ).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dear John,

I've always held a soft spot for you. I'm sure this is, in part, because I'm from North Carolina too. I thought you held such promise as a presidential candidate. You were a small town lawyer who went up against the evil giants who prey on our society. I thought you could actually effect change in our society.

Your wife's book inspired me and brought me to tears many times as I read about the life experiences of your family. Although your family has experienced great tragedy, you seemed like such a great family that could prevail even after great tragedies.

How saddened I was this morning to hear that you had an affair. I read the NY Times story, and felt so sad. I don't know why I should expect you to hold higher standards than many in our society do; maybe it was from seeing your earnest appeals on TV or from reading Elizabeth's book...I don't know. I just know that I am sad this morning. . .

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh Airlines . . .

what are you doing to us? I flew home from Boston yesterday on USAir. On the first leg of the flight I must have briefly dozed. When I woke up the flight attendant was nearby and asked me if I'd like a beverage. I asked for some orange juice. A couple of minutes later she brought it and said, "That will be $2.00." Now, I must have been dozing because I definitely did NOT hear an announcement that you now had to purchase beverages. If I had, I definitely would not have asked for one.

Airlines can't give you a pack of peanuts or pretzels anymore; many are charging for you to check a bag; and, now at least USAir charges for a beverage! Give me a break!

Both segments of my flight home were completely sold out. I find it hard to believe the airlines are not making money given how many seats are sold on each flight. Where will this ever end?